what is a delivery roadmap

What Is a Delivery Roadmap? Full Definition

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What is a delivery roadmap? Why is it important? And how can you make one? Read on to learn more.

What Is a Delivery Roadmap?

A delivery roadmap is a visual representation of the overall direction and roadmap for a product, project, or company

It’s also a high-level view that shows the big milestones and key deliverables.

A delivery roadmap is a great tool for showing what the priorities are, how work will get done, and what other teams need to do to support this work. 

Delivery roadmaps also help ensure everyone understands what’s going on with a project at a glance.

Why a Delivery Roadmap?

One of the biggest challenges in product management is making your team feel like they’re working on the right things at the right time. 

It’s hard to see the big picture when you’re in the middle of a project and you’re busy just keeping everyone on track. 

And it’s hard to know what is most important when everything is important.

A delivery roadmap helps teams stay focused and keeps them on track. It makes sure everyone is working on the right things at the right time. 

And it helps you make sure your team members are moving in the right direction with the right priorities. 

How to Make a Delivery Roadmap?

There are several different ways to build a roadmap, but here are a few simple tips that will help you create a great one:

Prioritize your work

A roadmap is designed to show the position of different projects and initiatives, so it’s important to always prioritize your items. 

That way, you can display them in order of importance so people know what to focus on first. 

Keep it simple

The best delivery roadmaps are simple and easy to read. 

Don’t be afraid to keep it low-tech, either. You don’t need fancy software or complicated templates. Just use a whiteboard or a big piece of paper. 

If you do choose software, go for something simple like PowerPoint or Google Sheets. Keep your visual clean and free of clutter.

Be clear about your objectives

Delivery roadmaps are all about communication, so make sure you are clear about your objectives before you begin building one. 

You can’t make everyone happy with a roadmap. But by being clear with your objectives, you’ll have a better chance of creating a useful roadmap that people will understand and use.

Don’t forget to share your roadmap! People often forget that delivery roadmaps are an important communication tool that everyone needs to use. 

Make sure you share them widely and make sure everyone understands how they should be used. 

If you do these things, your delivery roadmap will be a great tool for your team.


A delivery roadmap is a visual representation of the overall direction and roadmap for a product, project, or company. 

It’s also a high-level view that shows the big milestones and key deliverables. Delivery roadmaps also help ensure everyone understands what’s going on with a project at a glance.

Although this approach will work for most teams, you do need to look at what will work best for your particular organization and unique situation. So, you can get the most out of creating a delivery roadmap. 

You may need to get creative, but this approach will help you get started!

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