Delivery Management In Exchange
What does it mean about delivery management in exchange? What benefits of this delivery management in exchange? These are the things we will tackle.
What Is Delivery Management In Exchange?
Exchange Server is an email service platform that supports multiple messaging services. Such as email, contacts, calendars, and task management.
Exchange server 2010 is one of the most popular email platforms used by business organizations to host their business emails. Delivery management in exchange is a feature that helps you to track your emails sent through exchange server 2010.
Delivery management helps you to keep a track of your email. And also ensure that the mail has reached its destination successfully or not.
What Are The Benefits Of Delivery Management In Exchange?
Delivery Management mechanism in Exchange 2010 can be used for several purposes such as:
1. Complete tracking of your emails sent through exchange server 2010. If a mail is not delivered to its destination, you will be notified about it and will be able to take steps to resolve the issue.
2. Tracking of messages sent to distribution lists. When you send a message to the distribution list in outlook, delivery management will help you to find out how many users have received the mail,
And also how many users have not received the mail and what actions need to be taken for those who did not receive the mail. So this makes tracking distribution lists quite easy.
Also, it saves time when resolving issues related to distribution lists as you will be notified about errors immediately after they occur.
3. To make sure that you are sending emails to external recipients. So they have received them or not and if they have not received them, you can take steps to resolve the issue at hand quickly.
So this saves time as well as effort since it provides instant error notifications. Rather than waiting for many days or weeks only. Then do you realize that your mail has been stuck somewhere on its way?
Also, it never reached its destination at all! So this ensures fast resolution of issues. That is related to the delivery failure of mails sent through Exchange Server 2010.
How Do They Manage The Exchange?
To ensure that the mail has reached its destination successfully or not. The organization which receives the mail from you through exchange server 2010.
It can get a notification about the same via its email system. So this email notification will be given to you immediately after your mail has been sent through exchange server 2010.
So you will be notified if any mail gets stuck in transit. Also, it helps you to keep a track of your emails sent through the exchange server 2010.
So this is because delivery management provisions emails in the form of alerts to track emails. If you are not getting any messages even after sending a mail.
Then you can rest assured that your mail has reached its destination successfully. Delivery management in exchange helps organizations manage exchange server 2010 and view its performance quite easily.